How to paint a motorcycle rim?

After riding your motorcycle for several months, it begins to show some signs of wear. Although you clean it several times, dirt and projectile residue from the road always leaves a mark. A simple solution to this little problem and to repaint the parts that disturb you. In addition, with a new coat of paint, you can give your bike a new style, a new life. This article summarizes the steps to follow to paint your motorcycle rim, while offering you some advice not to ruin your motorbike. Indeed, in addition to having to follow a certain painting technique to have a good final result, it is also necessary to prevent the paint from touching important parts that are vital to the operation of the machine, such as the motor or an electrical part.

Motorcycles - general information

Do not hesitate to consult our guide on motorcycles to learn about the different types of motorcycles that exist, the characteristics of each and buying advice if you want to replace your motorcycle.

Prepare your motorcycle rims before painting them

It's not enough to just grab your brush and start painting the rims. It is often said that preparation often takes longer than application. This is indeed the case in this situation. To have a nice finish while avoiding touching your motorcycle with paint, which could lead to a malfunction of the machine, you must prepare the work surface. You can either first detach the wheel from the motorcycle and cover the wheels with paper and tape, or tear the rims completely off your wheels. For a better finish, it is this second option that we recommend. Then comes the cleaning step. Otherwise, you can always hide the parts of the wheel that should not be touched by the paint. This technique is called masking. But be careful, it is important to remove all the elements you used for the mask when the paint is half-dry, half-wet. Otherwise, those will stick, and removing them after the paint has dried can ruin it.

Clean your motorcycle rims before painting them

Cleaning your rims is very important since it will allow you to remove all the dirt that will prevent you from having a smooth surface after applying the paint. First, thoroughly clean the rims with soap and water to remove any dust or dirt. Then move on to sanding. With an abrasive paper or sponge, you will scrape the rims to remove all traces of rust or paint defects. Consider switching from the hardest to the softer paper little by little. This technique also allows you to ensure the grip of the paint, that is to say that with correct sanding, the paint will stick more to the rims. You can add degreaser to remove any layer of grime or grease. You will find several brands of car body degreaser, but you can also use detergent or white spirit. At the end of your sanding, your rims will become smooth, and ready for the next step.

Motorcycle Degreaser on Amazon

Apply primers and primers before painting your rims

Before proceeding to the application of the paint, it is first necessary to put a coat of primer and of primers. The primer is a product which allows good adhesion to raw metals while providing anti-corrosion protection. The application of the primer is compulsory, of course, but do not forget to pay close attention to the instructions for your product. Always use the correct primer that goes with your material. In the case of motorcycle rims, you will need a primer for ferrous or non-ferrous metals if they are made of chrome or aluminum. 

Motorcycle Primer on Amazon

Paint motorcycle rims

You have to start by choosing the right paint. Car products are the most advisable to use in this kind of situation, but the techniques still differ. You can for example follow a direct gloss system which consists of applying a special paint in one step, without varnishing, and which will still give a shine effect. This unfortunately does not exist in a metallic version. However, you can still follow the classic two-coat technique of applying a paint base before adding a coat of varnish. The application of this technique is easier since you avoid the risk of sagging. You also have a wide variety of colors.

The application of the paint base depends on the product as well as the tools used. Read the instructions for the paint can to find out if one coat is sufficient or if more is needed. For tools, if you use a brush, you need to have flexible wrists. While if you use a gun, you have to adjust the intensity of the jet so as not to waste 2/3 of the paint that will not even touch the rims. For the varnish, it is advisable to apply it in 2 wet passes with 5 to 10 minutes between them.

To dry the rims, you have to be patient. In order to have a real hardening in the heart, it is necessary to wait between 24 hours and 7 days. It all depends on the environment where the rims are located.

Motorcycle Rim Paint on Amazon

Motorcycle Polish on Amazon

The products recommended in this article

Product characterized by its rapid drying and its ability to cover with a long-lasting shine. It is corrosion resistant and resistant to impacts and scratches.

Cleans and degreases all types of motorcycle chains. Eliminates the most stubborn dirt and has a very good solvent and degreasing power.

New motip color spray paint, gray primer. 500 ml spray can.

More motorcycle rim paint products on Amazon