How to glue a motorcycle grip?

Safety in a motorcycle is an important criterion. Besides, we can see it with electrical systems that were available in automobiles which have become obvious in motorcycles.

For example, we can talk about the brake assist which was a gadget a few years ago and which is now extremely well implemented. Moreover on this subject, we told you in a previous article about how to overcome squeaky brakes.

But today, we are going to focus on another part of your motorcycle, the handlebars. Indeed, it is via this part that you will be able to control your machine and that requires a good feeling.

From then on, you may have thought about putting on a new grip to gain more grip, but then you realized that it did not hold and ended up leaving after a few kilometers.

That is why in this article, we are going to introduce you to several methods to glue a motorcycle grip. After reading these lines, you will simply become an expert on the subject!

Step 1: before gluing a motorcycle grip, you must first of all clean it well

Before being interested in gluing a motorcycle grip, you must already make sure that the surface you are going to try to glue is ready to receive it, otherwise it will come off again.

Indeed, we never stick something on a surface that is not previously cleaned if we want it to last over time and that is why we are going to start this article by explaining how to do it.

The first step is quite simple, take a cloth and with water and Marseille soap make a first pass on the areas where you will want to stick a motorcycle grip afterwards.

Once it's done, dry everything well and go to the second step, that of the degreaser. For this, what we will advise you is to take brake degreaser which will be excellent.

Apply a coat and clean again with your cloth. You then have to clean the bigger one and after a final wash with soap and water, you will be all set to stick a motorcycle grip.

Step 2: glue using neoprene glue

The first technique that we are going to see to glue a motorcycle grip uses neoprene glue. Despite the name that can be scary, it is easily found in the trade, at the level of the DIY department.

Once you have cleaned the handlebars well, you are again going to undergo a similar treatment on the inside of your motorcycle wrist to make sure that no dirt will get in your way.

Then, what you will have to do is take a wooden spike or a large screwdriver and coat it with the neoprene glue you have just purchased. Then insert the spike inside your handle.

There, make sure to apply the neoprene glue fairly evenly over the entire handle. Then apply a little grease to the handlebars to facilitate the passage of the handle and simply let it rest.

Follow the glue manufacturer's instructions for how long to lay before the glue is completely dry and voila, you have successfully glued a motorcycle grip in just a few minutes.

Alternative step 2: hairspray can save you

You don't have any glue nearby to glue a motorcycle grip. No worries, the D system can come to your aid and provide you with a result which will hold up rather well over time and which will be economical!

Indeed, in this second tip, we are going to replace the neoprene glue with lacquer. The procedure is almost identical. You will have to clean your handlebars and then enlarge it slightly to pass it.

Then take the tube of hairspray and spray a good layer of it on the inside of your handle. Then the goal will be to do it quickly enough before the lacquer freezes and therefore starts to stick.

Put the handle in place and again, let it dry thoroughly for a few hours with the hairspray. As it dries, the lacquer will have the effect of a glue and it is surely one of the most economical ways to glue a handle.

In summary, here's how to glue a handle:

  • Thoroughly clean the handlebars with soap and water
  • Apply a brake degreaser
  • Apply glue or lacquer inside the handle
  • Put it in place and wait a few hours for the glue to finish drying

You don't necessarily need to glue a motorcycle grip

Finally, if from the beginning we have been talking about how to glue a motorcycle grip, know that it is not necessarily mandatory to do so. Basically, a handle is supposed to be designed so that you can insert it without sticking it on.

This is also the reason why it is so hard to insert it without adding fat. Therefore, it is this option that you can take at first, even if it means sticking a motorcycle grip later if it does not hold.

For that, nothing very complicated, as usual, clean the handle and the guide well which you will have lightly greased beforehand. Once it's done, put some gasoline in the handle. Then insert it on the handlebars and allow time for everything to dry. Normally, you shouldn't see the handle moving for a while.

All about motorcycle handlebars 

A motorcycle handlebar, everyone knows what it is in principle. It must be said that it is one of the most important parts that you will find on your machine.  

Yet do you know him that well? Indeed, you could learn a few tips by taking a look at our article dedicated to it.