How to install a motorcycle heated grip?

Riding a motorbike in winter inevitably requires a few adjustments. Indeed, in our countries, winters can be quite harsh and inevitably, in a motorcycle, we do not have a heating system like in a car.

Therefore, you have to adapt to succeed in riding in this period, see for some, the bike will stay warm in the garage for several months. If this is your case, be sure to pay attention to your battery.

We have dedicated an article on battery maintenance if that helps. But if you are one of the brave people driving it windy or snowing, there's surely an improvement you've been thinking about.

To avoid having your hands frozen, you have probably decided to install a heated motorcycle grip. Except if you don't know how to go about it it can be tricky.

Lucky for you, we will see in this article how to install a motorcycle heated grip easily. We will also see how to take larger measures in the event of extreme cold.

What is a heated motorcycle grip?

Before installing a motorcycle heated grip, it is important to understand what it is. It is simply a handle that has a classic appearance, but which will connect to the battery.

The principle is then to capture part of the energy of the battery so that your handle starts to heat up which will warm your hands, which is very practical when the temperatures start to drop.

However, there are several things to understand. The first is that only the part of your hand in contact with the grip will be warmed, so only the palm and the rest will be subjected to the cold.

If this is not enough, then you can opt for another solution, which is heated gloves. In addition to cutting you off from the cold, they will allow a more harmonious heat dissipation.

Finally, be aware that if you ever plan to go to areas where the temperature drops low, you can definitely take gloves and heated grips at the same time to protect yourself.

Step 1: prepare for installation

As often in this kind of situation, before installing a heated motorcycle grip, you will have to prepare the ground for everything to hold up well. Indeed, the goal will be to make it last over time.

The first thing you are going to do is take out the old handles. To do this, you will take a syringe filled with gasoline that you will spray inside the handles.

The purpose of this essence will be to take off the handle and therefore to make it easier for you when you want to remove it. Be careful, if you stuck it, the procedure may be much harder and it will take patience.

Once you have removed the old grip, you will need to prepare your handlebars to ensure that the new heated grip adheres as well as possible. For that, wash for the first time with soap and water to remove the bulk of the grime.

Then use a brake degreaser for a second pass. You will thus be almost finished. One last run with soap and water and you should no longer have to worry about grime.

Step 2: connect the handle to the battery

That's it, we are going to start installing a heated motorcycle grip, but before that, there is an important step that is going to be to connect the grips to the battery. Indeed, otherwise it will be difficult to have heat.

For this, you will obviously have to disassemble your saddle to access the battery, but you will also have to disassemble your tank to properly pull the cables to the battery.

Once everything is disassembled, all you have to do is connect the heated grips to the battery and make sure that the words stay in place and therefore do not wander around.

Once all is well on this side, you have probably done the most things when it comes to installing a motorcycle heated grip and all you have to do is reassemble the room, as well as your tank. machine.

Step 3: Install a motorcycle heated grip

Last step to install a heated motorcycle grip, the installation of the grips on the handlebars and for that, what we advise you is to use neoprene glue to be sure they hold.

Evenly coat the inside of the two handles with this glue then bring them into the handlebars, taking the time to push them in to the maximum, because once the glue has set it will be too late.

Then, you will simply need to find out about the total setting time of the glue you used and not to use your handles during this period. Once the time is up you are done and you have just successfully installed a motorcycle heated grip!

In summary, here are the important steps to properly install your handle:

  • Remove the old one using a syringe filled with gasoline
  • Clean well with soap and water
  • Apply a shot of brake degreaser to remove the last grime
  • Connect the handles to the battery
  • Spread the glue evenly inside
  • Install them and let dry well

What you probably didn't know about motorcycle handlebars 

A motorcycle handlebar, everyone knows what it is in principle. It must be said that it is one of the most important parts that you will find on your machine.  

Yet do you know him that well? Indeed, you could learn a few tips by taking a look at our article dedicated to it.