What to do with a motorcycle chain that relaxes quickly?

What to do with a motorcycle chain that relaxes quickly?

A motorcycle chain is an important part of the machine; without it you wouldn't be able to move your motorcycle much. But it can be very frustrating to find that after performing regular maintenance the chain still does not work. Many people run into the problem of the motorcycle chain slackening quickly without really knowing why.

Motorcycle chains - General information 

On the market, there are a whole bunch of motorcycle chains that meet specific needs. So, before you get started, we advise you to take a look at our complete guide on the subject.

Why does my motorcycle chain relax quickly?

A motorcycle chain that slackens quickly is usually caused by the rear axle or the chain tension bolts are not tight enough. It can also be caused by a new chain that is not worn enough, worn sprocket teeth, too much tension, or installing the wrong size chain. It is important to fix the problem if you encounter it.

Reasons why a motorcycle chain relaxes quickly 

There are several reasons why a motorcycle chain can relax quickly. There are a few easy ways to check out how this happens that shouldn't take a lot of time.

The wear of the links

The wear between each link is tiny. But since a chain has an average of a hundred links, all that combined wear can make the chain look like it has stretched and you will probably notice some slack on your new chain after a few hundred miles. After purchasing a new chain, drive approximately 80 km and check the chain tension. Tighten it if necessary.

PS: As a general rule, a maintained chain kit can largely do between 30h and 50h or between 1500 and 2500 km depending on external aggressions (sand, earth, mud, etc.)

Links available on Amazon

A problem with the rear axle

If you haven't bought a new chain recently and notice it slackening, there is a common culprit (especially on older motorcycles). The rear axle of the rear tire slides into two fork-shaped parts that point towards the rear of the swingarm. Your axle is in the middle of these two forks.

There is a bolt on each side of the rear wheel; when you tighten this bolt, it pulls the rear tire back. Often times, if your chain comes loose, it means that the axle or chain tension bolts are not tight enough. This is the cause of a loose chain in 90% of cases.

Bolts available on Amazon

A problem with the teeth of the pinion

If the teeth of the front sprocket or rear sprocket (or both) are worn, the chain may also relax. Since there is less area between the links to distribute them, the chain will appear to have stretched. This is more of a one-time event, but it's always a good idea to check the sprocket teeth if it happens to you.

On the other hand, motorcycle chains are not interchangeable. Each motorcycle requires a specific type and size of chain to fit properly; the chain must adapt to each tooth of the sprocket. If it doesn't fit snugly with the teeth of the sprocket (for example, if one of the links is on top of the teeth), you don't have the right chain.

Sprocket Teeth Available on Amazon

A problem with the chain tension

Each chain needs a little slack. This is why it is important to check the chain tension to make sure it is not too tight. If you over-tighten the chain, it will continue to stretch or wear more aggressively in the links. Check your owner's manual and make sure you don't over-tighten your chain, as every motorcycle has different tension needs.

Low ability to stretch

At first, a new motorcycle chain slackens quickly because it has the ability to stretch a bit. It is not the metal itself that stretches, but rather the links between which there is a little slack. When these links turn, they wear out into each other; they are new and the metal is not quite worn yet.

How to fix a motorcycle chain that slackens quickly?

Fortunately, repairing a chain that loosens quickly on a motorcycle is relatively straightforward, even for the less experienced mechanic. Once you find the reason why your chain keeps coming loose, try one of the following methods to fix it.

If you recently bought a new chain and it still seems to come off after 80 km, go 80 km more and tighten it accordingly. Each chain is different and it may take a few hundred kilometers for it to stretch back to its normal state. There is a lot of play in the rear chain adjustment so even if your chain is still wearing out in these links you will have room to add tension.

Sometimes because of constant slamming of the motorcycle, the tension bolts may loosen a bit over time, giving your chain slack. Try to put on a lock nut to prevent these bolts from loosening, especially if you have a motorcycle that vibrates a lot.

You will also need to replace one or both sprockets if you notice that the teeth are worn. Even if it is only a few worn teeth, it can create a ripple effect and cause the other teeth to wear much faster, so it is better to replace them.

Sprockets available on Amazon

If you've tried all of these methods and your chain still feels too loose, it might be time to buy a new chain because it is probably too worn and stretched. Changing a channel is actually a fairly straightforward task.

Our recommended products for a motorcycle chain that relaxes quickly:

To conclude, here are some recommended products on Amazon:

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